Sunday, April 10, 2005

Vegan Porn: Veggie lovers make better people lovers

This blog post says

Want some? Go vegan. . . . In a survey of foods that may make you a better lover, soy, chili peppers and ginger received top marks from the experts

Also see Want better sex? Head to the grocery store which says:
Soy, for example, binds estrogen receptors, which helps the vaginal area remain lubricated, and combats symptoms of menopause--particularly hot flashes. Studies have shown that soy is also beneficial to the prostate, a crucial male sex organ. Chili peppers and ginger are believed to improve circulation and stimulate nerve endings, which could, in turn, improve sexual pleasure.
If that's not hot enough for you, there are these (not safe for work) Vegan Sex Toys

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